Asking the right questions

At the Blagrave Trust, we fund exceptional charities creating impact for young people at key transition points in their lives. We know different methods work for different young people, and we do not seek to specialise our support in any one area. This means we fund...

We are looking to recruit Regional advisers!

Would you like to use your regional knowledge of youth charity services to advise Blagrave on funding youth organisations in the South East of England? We are looking to recruit 6-8 advisers based in or from Berkshire, Hampshire, Sussex, or Wiltshire, with experiences...

How do you steer an elephant?

Imagine that you’re riding an elephant. You’ve got a clear idea of the direction in which you want to go. You have your arguments lined up, your case clearly researched, your resources in place. You even have a map in your hand, annonated with KPIs and metrics for...